Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer time Dinner

So the above picture is not mine, however I do have those bowls. Latte bowls from Anthro...Love them and need to get more. Anyway, I am lactose intolerant.. Milk does not make me a happy girl:) Well Breyers has now come up with a vanilla ice cream that is ice cream but lactose free!!! So much better than fro yo!
Well I have not been hungry at night lately so i must confess that the above picture had been my dinner of late. Last night I went to have some and it was almost gone....I added Trader Joes Wild Maine Blueberry sauce and some fresh blueberries. I was in Heaven.... So Ladies treat yourselves... get out your prettiest bowl and have some ice cream for dinner!! You wont regret it!!!

Happy and Healthy Eats...007